Must Watch Movies for Business Students & Professionals

Edutainment at its finest!


This is a living document, soon to be updated with many more details. For now, here's the list (not in a prioritized order):

  1. The Social Network - How social media started and an overview of the tough world needed for entrepreneurship
  2. Ocean's Eleven - How Planning, Teamwork, and a calm mind are required to pull of a big project
  3. Moneyball - Practical use of Data Analytics
  4. Wall Street (1987) - Stock Market Insider Trading
  5. Whiplash - How not to lead a team
  6. The Margin Call - The housing bubble
  7. The Big Short - The housing bubble
  8. Inside Job (Documentary) - The housing buble
  9. The Founder - How McDonald's started and why the good guys don't always win (we need heart and brain both)
  10. Jobs - The legend's story
  11. Steve Jobs- The legend's story but shown from the perspective of product launch days
  12. The Pursuit of Happyness - A story of grit
  13. Pirates of the Silicon Valley - The rise of Apple and Microsoft

(Which ones did I miss? Feel free to suggest in the comments!)

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